Content Submissions

Educational Access Television is proud to showcase educational content produced by members of the San Francisco Bay Area community.

Do you have a project you'd like to have broadcast on EATV1 and EATV2? Submitting your work is easy! Simply review the submission guidelines below and complete a release form.

Submission Guidelines

Educational Access Television airs content that serves our community and provides educational enrichment to viewers of all ages. Our staff considers videos of all kinds, whether long or short, controversial or sedate, serious or light.

Content We Accept

Student Work: EATV proudly broadcasts work produced by students from local institutions including 91·çÔÂÂ¥, San Francisco State University, San Francisco Art Institute, Mills College, Peralta College, the Bay Area Video Coalition, and TILT.

Community Submissions: Do you have a documentary, short film, feature film, music video, television series, web series, experimental film, cooking show, or live performance that you would like to submit to air on EATV? We will consider all submitted content for broadcast within the following program blocks:

  • Documentary Showcase: A variety of short and feature-length documentaries from around the world focusing on a wide breadth of subjects. Friday, 8p-10p, EATV1.
  • Kids’ Time: A showcase of fun, imaginative, and engaging shorts and series for children aged 5-15. Monday-Friday, 4p-5p, EATV2.
  • Red Carpet Film Festival: An eclectic mix of short and feature-length films. Wednesday, 5p-7p, EATV1.

Public Service Announcements: EATV accepts PSAs to raise awareness and promote non-commercial community organizations, services, and events. Note: Political content will only be considered if all sides are represented.

Preparing Your Submission

  • Include five seconds of black before and after your video.
  • Submitted content should be (at a minimum) 480p/480i. We accept (and encourage you to submit) higher quality videos (e.g. 720p, 1080p). EATV broadcasts in standard definition with a 4:3 aspect ratio, and our staff will convert your higher-quality submissions to 480p/4:3 with appropriate letter-boxing prior to broadcast.
  • Normalize audio levels so they peak around -6dB. Note: Audio issues are the most common reason that submissions are not aired.

Delivering Your Submission

  • EATV staff strongly encourages you to submit your content as a digital file via a downloadable link from a video-hosting website (e.g. Vimeo or YouTube) or a file-sharing service (e.g. Dropbox, Google Drive, WeTransfer, etc.).
  • Submit your digital file as an H.264 .mp4. We will not accept other file formats.
  • EATV accepts the following physical media formats: DVD, DVCPro, and miniDV. Mail physical submissions to:
    • Educational Access Television
      50 Phelan Ave, Box A73
      San Francisco, CA 94112
  • EATV is not responsible for returning your physical media submissions to you.

Broadcast Release Form

The Educational Access Television Broadcast Release Form linked below can be completed electronically in any PDF application (e.g. Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Reader, Preview, etc.) and submitted to

If you prefer to complete your release form by hand, deliver it by mail to:

Educational Access Television
50 Frida Kahlo Way, Box A73
San Francisco, CA 94112

Broadcast Release Form


If you have any questions about the submission guidelines or the release form, feel free to email or call (415)239-3887.