Start and Run a Campus Club

Being involved in a campus club is a great way to develop leadership skills, meet new people, and give back to the 91·çÔÂÂ¥ campus community.

What to Know About Running a Club at CCSF

  • Each club at CCSF Ocean is funded and recognized by the Associated Students Council, Ocean Campus.
  • Before you begin the recognition process, make sure you understand all of the club responsibilities.
  • To start or continue a club you will need 10 currently enrolled student members and one faculty member to act as your advisor.
  • All clubs must complete the recognition process, as outlined on this page.

The Recognition Process

All recognition steps must be completed by the appropriate deadlines in order for your club to become fully recognized by the Associated Students Council and to receive your base allocation money for club activities.

Steps to Register Your Club

You must register your club during both the fall and the spring semester. Even if your club is returning, all clubs must complete all steps for recognition during the fall semester.

  1. Club Hard Packet must be submitted to the ICC and Student Life & Leadership Office.
    • Signature Card (For our office to verify that the club treasurer and advisor are the only ones signing the club paperwork throughout the semester)
    • Cash Advance Form (To be signed once each semester by the club treasurer and advisor)
    • Club Advisor Contract (To be read and signed by the club advisor only)
  2. Club E-Packet is a digital form that must be completed as part of the recognition process.
    • Club name
    • Club mission statement (What is your goal as a club? What is the purpose of your club?)
    • Club meeting date/time/location (This can be TBA if you have not figured out where and when your meetings will be held)
    • Club contact info (Joint email account that all club officers have access to)
    • Anticipated events (Club must hold at least 2 events each semester - start thinking about some virtual events you might like to do!)
    • Anticipated service hours (Club must fulfill a certain number of service hours in order to maintain recognition – examples include, volunteering at one of the 10 Associated Students resource centers, having a campus wide event where all students are invited, volunteering with one of the ICC events)
    • Advisors and club officers contact info (Advisor, president, treasurer and ICC representative) *Please note that Advisors must be current CCSF faculty.
    • List of 10 student members including Officers (Must include full name, student ID number, and an email address) *Please note that students may only hold one official officer position (President, Treasurer, or ICC Representative) i.e. Students may not be an official officer in more than one club.
  3. Club Training Club President, Treasurer, and ICC Representative must complete a training with the VP of ICC. Training dates can be found on the ICC home page. The Club Advisor MUST complete the online Club Advisor Orientation. Reference the A.S. and District Financial Guidelines Overview for any questions regarding club finances, additional allocations, spending club money, and receiving reimbursements. Please note per ICC Guidelines, students may not serve as an official Officer for more than one club.
  4. Official Club Recognition A club representative must be present at an ASC meeting for official club recognition. You will state your club name and mission statement in front of the council so that they may recognize your club. Meetings are held Wednesdays at 3pm in the Student Union Conference Room 208.

Notes about Club Registration

If you are starting a new club, we may need to create a new fund number (basically a bank account number for us to deposit your base allocation money into). Because you do not have a fund number, even if you are recognized by the council, it DOES NOT mean you have money in your club account to spend immediately. Please contact the Student Life & Leadership Office to determine if your club has a fund number, or to determine the status if you need a new fund created. You cannot spend money on a club activity or fundraise until your fund number is created.

Ideas to Get You Started

Thinking of starting a club? Use these ideas to help you get started!

  • Download and use the My91·çÔÂÂ¥ mobile app! Did you know that CCSF has an official app, and that we are keeping it current with all club information? You can also use it to find other like-minded students who want to help you get your club up and running! 
  • Start posting flyers online to get the word out that you’re starting a new club.
  • Ask instructors if you can make announcements about your new club at the beginning of their classes.
  • If you want to get some advice from other clubs, make sure to have your ICC representative make connections with other clubs at the ICC general assembly meetings every Monday at 1pm (starting date to be announced by Vice President of Inter Club Council).
  • Hold a event that is open to all students, and more people will hear about your club.
  • Take part in Unity Day to network with other clubs and recruit more student members!