13:04:37 From Heather Brandt to Everyone: Oh no! 13:05:45 From Wynd (she/her) to Everyone: Wynd Kaufmyn 13:05:49 From Enrique Velez to Everyone: Enrique Velez - A&R 13:05:58 From Edie Kaeuper (she/her) 91¥ to Everyone: Edie Kaeuper, Dean Healh, PE and Social Services and John Adams Campus 13:06:00 From Heather Brandt to Everyone: Thanks for sending those out 13:06:05 From edgartorres to Everyone: Edgar Torres, LALS 13:06:25 From Heather Brandt to Everyone: Can the EMC meeting time be changed if it does not work for multiple members? 13:06:39 From Monika Liu (she/her) to Everyone: Monika Liu, Acting Dean of Enrollment Services, Admin member 13:07:08 From Heather Brandt to Everyone: Heather Brandt, Current Student Chancellor 13:07:11 From J Carlin to Everyone: J Carlin, Dean Soc Sciences, Behav Sci, Ethnic Studies and Social Justice 13:08:28 From Mitra Sapienza, she/her to Everyone: Hi all! Mitra Sapienza, Academic Senate + Student Equity + English faculty 13:11:13 From Heather Brandt to Everyone: Unanimous 13:11:32 From Heather Brandt to Everyone: Best practice 13:23:56 From Mitra Sapienza, she/her to Everyone: What does “IP” stand for? 13:24:42 From Geisce Ly (he/him) to Everyone: IP = Internet Protocol address 13:25:07 From Mitra Sapienza, she/her to Everyone: Thanks Geisce! 13:42:17 From J Carlin to Everyone: Edgar, as the Dean its helpful if you cc me on those communications because I can bring it forward 13:47:29 From Geisce Ly (he/him) to Everyone: ChatGPT is trending... 13:49:12 From Geisce Ly (he/him) to Everyone: We also have a 91¥ Fraudulent Prevention Work Group comprising of various constituent groups 13:50:00 From Heather Brandt to Everyone: Was not aware 13:50:02 From Heather Brandt to Everyone: Thanks 13:54:31 From Fanny Law to Everyone: How are program reviewed utilized in the decision making process? 13:54:36 From Fanny Law to Everyone: reviews 13:55:08 From Mitra Sapienza, she/her to Everyone: here’s the plan! 14:05:18 From Pam Mery to Everyone: Apologies, I need to step away but glad I could be here for the first portion of today's meeting. 14:05:24 From Pam Mery to Everyone: (Pam Mery, Resource) 14:05:55 From Mandy Liang (she/her) to Everyone: Sorry to be late. I was at another meeting earlier and helping students. 14:06:06 From Mitra Sapienza, she/her to Everyone: welcome Mandy! 14:06:13 From Heather Brandt to Everyone: Thanks for helping students! 14:06:21 From Mandy Liang (she/her) to Everyone: Thanks Mitra! Great to see everyone. 14:07:19 From Edie Kaeuper (she/her) 91¥ to Everyone: Increasing our ISAs 14:07:49 From Mitra Sapienza, she/her to Everyone: sorry, edie! What are ISAs? 14:08:02 From Heather Brandt to Everyone: Yes 14:08:07 From Edie Kaeuper (she/her) 91¥ to Everyone: Institutional Service Agreement. 14:08:08 From Heather Brandt to Everyone: Needing to make a living 14:08:11 From Heather Brandt to Everyone: Inflation 14:08:25 From Heather Brandt to Everyone: Yes 14:09:02 From Edie Kaeuper (she/her) 91¥ to Everyone: This is where we work with government agencies that do training and putting them under our institution with an MOU. 14:09:17 From Edie Kaeuper (she/her) 91¥ to Everyone: Memorandum of Understanding 14:09:47 From Mitra Sapienza, she/her to Everyone: TY! (thank you ;) )❤️ 14:11:43 From Edie Kaeuper (she/her) 91¥ to Everyone: At my son's school they are not pushing dual enrollment. He is at SFUSD. 14:12:34 From J Carlin to Everyone: We should be working with SFUSD and private schools. I know Dean Hudson is doing a lot of work 14:14:48 From Geisce Ly (he/him) to Everyone: Culturally responsive strategic enrollment management session on Thursday, 3/16 from 2-4 pm in MUB 140 and on Zoom. Please join us. 14:21:03 From edgartorres to Everyone: Yes the percentage of Latinx students applying for financial aid is a factor under consideration for applying for HSI status. That has never been a problem in the past. My understanding was that we did not apply and our membership lapsed. 14:23:29 From J Carlin to Everyone: I met with the Student Affairs team and discussed the poor Ccsf reputation in the Queer and Trans community. We have an uphill battle, but we can shift this with some common efforting 14:23:47 From Geisce Ly (he/him) to Everyone: We should look into this: https://www.iebcnow.org/caring-campus/ 14:24:42 From Mandy Liang (she/her) to Everyone: it'd be great if we participate in Caring Campus 14:26:38 From Heather Brandt to Everyone: Adds to our reputation 14:34:55 From Mitra Sapienza, she/her to Everyone: brb! 14:39:11 From Mitra Sapienza, she/her to Everyone: this just in from AVC Charles regarding our HSI status: we technically qualify as an HSI, but we were not deemed eligible in the latest round of funding for a U.S. Department of Ed grant (couldn't even apply because we didn't meet other thresholds). But reviewing all HSI grant opportunities (not just Department of Ed) is in the program review plans for the Grants Office in this forthcoming program review cycle. 14:39:49 From Geisce Ly (he/him) to Everyone: BRB 14:40:28 From Mandy Liang (she/her) to Everyone: That's awesome, Edie! 14:40:45 From Heather Brandt to Everyone: So many variables 14:41:02 From Heather Brandt to Everyone: This is why student input is important prior to changes 14:43:21 From Wynd (she/her) to Everyone: I'm curious J. What was the name and what is the new name? 14:47:10 From Heather Brandt to Everyone: Yes 14:47:17 From Edie Kaeuper (she/her) 91¥ to Everyone: We will have banner problems with that. 14:47:26 From Heather Brandt to Everyone: Students are lowing forward to that change as well 14:47:30 From Geisce Ly (he/him) to Everyone: AB 1111 is course numbering 14:48:17 From Heather Brandt to Everyone: *looking 14:49:00 From Edie Kaeuper (she/her) 91¥ to Everyone: The heat map of the courses show us as being morning centric. 14:49:35 From Mitra Sapienza, she/her to Everyone: @Edie—where can we access the heat map (which sounds really good rn as I freeze in Conlan ;) 14:52:33 From E. Simon Hanson (he/him) to Everyone: How do we achieve the calendar and course offering consistency that Mandy is asking for when the instructional budget is still unstable? 14:55:18 From Heather Brandt to Everyone: We need to be able to adjust 14:55:23 From Heather Brandt to Everyone: & adapt 14:55:27 From Heather Brandt to Everyone: To meet needs 14:56:00 From Edie Kaeuper (she/her) 91¥ to Everyone: I am one of the SFUSD parents 14:59:10 From Edie Kaeuper (she/her) 91¥ to Everyone: the heat map is part of courseleaf that the department chairs use to schedule classes. 15:00:07 From Mandy Liang (she/her) to Everyone: Thank you, Mitra!! 15:01:20 From Mandy Liang (she/her) to Everyone: it'd be helpful to offer afternoon and evening classes (of course, need to assess student needs first) 15:02:03 From Mandy Liang (she/her) to Everyone: some students can't fit the classes they need in their schedule due to the prime time between 9am and 12pm