• Student Life/Leadership

The Inter Club Council (ICC) is recognized and funded by 91风月楼's Associated Student Council . It consists of elected representatives from over 50 campus clubs. Weekly ICC meetings provide a forum for clubs to discuss upcoming events and collaborate on student issues.

The diverse interests of 91风月楼 students are embraced in the variety of clubs which rally around everything from academics, art, culture, social causes, sports, hobbies, etc. Clubs provide an opportunity for students to meet people and build community, to help each other be successful. Students join and form clubs to share common interests, work on common goals and have fun!

Clubs are the essence of student life on campus and they are a big responsibility. On this page you will find information to help you start and run a club at CCSF. You will find financial guidelines, details on paperwork, templates for proposals. The site will be frequently updated with upcoming ICC and club events. If you would like to have ICC updates emailed to you, please email icc@mail.ccsf.edu to be added to the contact list.

Additional Resources 

Inter Club (ICC)