Instructor and Student Resources for Canvas

Instructors can visit the  for helpful resources for using Canvas, including an  about important Canvas dates for current and future semesters.

Students can visit our Online Course Support Center for resources that support using Canvas for in-person and online courses. 

Online Courses and Distance Education

The Office of Online Learning and Educational Technology (OLET) provides resources to faculty using technology in teaching and learning for in-person and online classes. 

91风月楼 offers a growing number of online classes in response to student demand. OLET supports 91风月楼 faculty teaching online or using technology to enhance the face-to-face learning experience. It also ensures that the College's offerings are high-quality and that faculty have the support needed to thrive in the online instructional environment.

The City College Curriculum Committee has . The definitions were updated with revisions and additions on December 15, 2021, at a Regular Meeting of the Curriculum Committee. 

The College is committed to providing high-quality training for faculty that supports effective pedagogical practices. It ensures that classes are ADA compliant, follows the Department of Education's guidance on distance education, and follows California Title 5 regulations for distance education. Faculty wishing to teach online are required to complete training and are offered continued opportunities for ongoing professional development. 

Please find the award information breakdown for Spring 2023 development cohorts. 
Description Total Number
Faculty Recommended by the Distance Learning Advisory Committee for Online Training at CCSF 100
Faculty Moved to Spring 2023 from Previous Cycle 4
Awarded by the Office of Online Learning and Educational Technology 100
Faculty Declined Award or Unable to Accept Award 11
No Funding Needed (Faculty have maxed out in development units and/or the class has already been developed) 8
Faculty/Courses Funded by HERRF 33
Faculty/Courses Funded by Strong Workforce 49
Faculty/Courses Funded by Adult Education Program 12
Online Courses Developed in Spring 2023 (Faculty completing the IOTL or AOTL)***


Remote Training Courses Total Faculty Completions
Temporary Distance Teaching and Learning Training and Refresher (Required)* TBD

*Due to the College's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, all instructional faculty with an assignment was required to successfully complete the 8-hour Temporary Distance Teaching and Learning Training. Instructional faculty who had completed the IOTL and/or the AOTL before Spring 2019 were required to complete a 3-hour refresher. 

An applicant who receives an award is sent a notification letter, an acknowledgment agreement including information about applicable re-assigned/in-load time, and Exhibit N from the AFT Contract. The applicant's department chair and dean are included in the award notice. 

Please find the award information breakdown for Fall 2022 development cohorts. 
Description Total Number
Applications Reviewed and Recommended by the Distance Learning Advisory Committee (Assigned a Rubric Score) 49**
Applications Moved to Fall 2022 from Previous Cycle 1+
Awarded by the Office of Online Learning and Educational Technology 49
Faculty Declined Award or Unable to Accept Award 9
No Funding Needed (Faculty have maxed out in development units and/or the class has already been developed) 22
U-Funded 6
Funded by Strong Workforce 8
Funded by Adult Education Program 6
Online Courses Developed in Fall 2022 (Faculty completing the IOTL or AOTL)***


Remote Training Courses Total Faculty Completions
Temporary Distance Teaching and Learning Training and Refresher (Required)**** 12

**Total reviewed and recommended applications. Not included in this total are some submitted applications that were either incomplete (e.g., missing responses), needed to be retracted because the faculty member changed their mind before the DLAC review, or submitted multiple applications when only one application per faculty member per semester will be reviewed by DLAC. 

***For a variety of reasons some faculty need additional time to develop an online course. These faculty are placed in the next available training cycle or work with OLET to determine when they would like to resume training.

****Due to the College's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, all instructional faculty with an assignment was required to successfully complete the 8-hour Temporary Distance Teaching and Learning Training. Instructional faculty who had completed the IOTL and/or the AOTL before Spring 2019 were required to complete a 3-hour refresher. 

An applicant who receives an award is sent a notification letter, an acknowledgment agreement including information about applicable re-assigned/in-load time, and Exhibit N from the AFT Contract. The applicant's department chair and dean are included in the award notice. 

An applicant who does not receive an award is sent a notification letter with an explanation including a recommendation to work with their department chair on future applications.

Please find the award information breakdown for Summer 2022 development cohorts. 
Description Total Number
Applications Reviewed and Recommended by the Distance Learning Advisory Committee (Assigned a Rubric Score) 44**
Applications Moved to Summer 2022 from Previous Cycle 10
Awarded by the Office of Online Learning and Educational Technology 53
Faculty Declined Award 4
No Funding Needed (Faculty have maxed out in development units and/or the class has already been developed) 13
U-Funded 23
Funded by Strong Workforce 13
Funded by Adult Education Program 0
Online Courses Developed in Summer 2022 (Faculty completing the IOTL or AOTL)***


Remote Training Courses Total Faculty Completions
Temporary Distance Teaching and Learning Training and Refresher (Required)**** TBA

**Total reviewed and recommended applications. Not included in this total are some submitted applications that were either incomplete (e.g., missing responses), needed to be retracted because the faculty member changed their mind before the DLAC review, or submitted multiple applications when only one application per faculty member per semester will be reviewed by DLAC. 

***For a variety of reasons some faculty need additional time to develop an online course. These faculty are placed in the next available training cycle or work with OLET to determine when they would like to resume training.

****Due to the College's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, all instructional faculty with an assignment was required to successfully complete the 8-hour Temporary Distance Teaching and Learning Training. Instructional faculty who had completed the IOTL and/or the AOTL before Spring 2019 were required to complete a 3-hour refresher. 

An applicant who receives an award is sent a notification letter, an acknowledgment agreement including information about applicable re-assigned/in-load time, and Exhibit N from the AFT Contract. The applicant's department chair and dean are included in the award notice. 

An applicant who does not receive an award is sent a notification letter with an explanation including a recommendation to work with their department chair on future applications.

Please find the award information breakdown for Spring 2022 development cohorts. 
Description Total Number
Applications Reviewed and Recommended by the Distance Learning Advisory Committee (Assigned a Rubric Score)* 96**
Awarded by the Office of Online Learning and Educational Technology 66
U-Funded 23
Funded by Strong Workforce 18
Funded by Adult Education Program 11
Online Courses Developed in Spring 2022 (Faculty completing the IOTL or AOTL)***


Remote Training Courses Total Faculty Completions
Temporary Distance Teaching and Learning Training and Refresher (Required)**** TBA

*The DLAC revised its rubric for the Spring 2022 Cycle and each completed application was awarded a score. 

**Total reviewed and recommended applications. Not included in this total are some submitted applications that were either incomplete (e.g., missing responses), needed to be retracted because the faculty member changed their mind before the DLAC review, or submitted multiple applications when only one application per faculty member per semester will be reviewed by DLAC. 

***For a variety of reasons some faculty need additional time to develop an online course. These faculty are placed in the next available training cycle or work with OLET to determine when they would like to resume training.

****Due to the College's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, all instructional faculty with an assignment was required to successfully complete the 8-hour Temporary Distance Teaching and Learning Training. Instructional faculty who had completed the IOTL and/or the AOTL before Spring 2019 were required to complete a 3-hour refresher. 

An applicant who receives an award is sent a notification letter, an acknowledgment agreement including information about applicable re-assigned/in-load time, and Exhibit N from the AFT Contract. The applicant's department chair and dean are included in the award notice. 

An applicant who does not receive an award is sent a notification letter with an explanation including a recommendation to work with their department chair on future applications.


Please find the award information breakdown for Fall 2021 development cohorts. 
Description Total Number
Applications Reviewed and Recommended by the Distance Learning Advisory Committee (Assigned a Rubric Score)* 47**
Awarded by the Office of Online Learning and Educational Technology 36
U-Funded 11
Funded by Strong Workforce 9
Funded by Adult Education Program 7
Online Courses Developed in Fall 2021 (Faculty completing the IOTL, AOTL, POCR)*** 34


Remote Training Courses Total Faculty Completions
Temporary Distance Teaching and Learning Training and Refresher (Required)**** 13
Humanizing Remote Teaching and Learning 191
Live Remote Teaching and Learning 184
Accessibility in Remote Teaching 153


*The DLAC revised its rubric for the Fall 2021 Cycle and each completed application was awarded a score. Two applications will be rescinded. 

**Total reviewed and recommended applications. Not included in this total are some submitted applications that were either incomplete (e.g., missing responses), needed to be retracted because the faculty member changed their mind before the DLAC review, or submitted multiple applications when only one application per faculty member per semester will be reviewed by DLAC. 

***For a variety of reasons some faculty need additional time to develop an online course. These faculty are placed in the next available training cycle or work with OLET to determine when they would like to resume training.

****Due to the College's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, all instructional faculty with an assignment was required to successfully complete the 8-hour Temporary Distance Teaching and Learning Training. Instructional faculty who had completed the IOTL and/or the AOTL before Spring 2019 were required to complete a 3-hour refresher. 

Due to negotiations between AFT2121 and the District, all instructional faculty were provided the option to complete paid remote teaching training in Fall 2021. Instructional faculty were paid 6 hours or 2 courses total. 

An applicant who receives an award is sent a notification letter, an acknowledgment agreement including information about applicable re-assigned/in-load time, and Exhibit N from the AFT Contract. The applicant's department chair and dean are included in the award notice. 

An applicant who does not receive an award is sent a notification letter with an explanation including a recommendation to work with their department chair on future applications.

Please find the award information breakdown for Summer 2021 development cohorts. 
Description Total Number
Applications Reviewed and Recommended by the Distance Learning Advisory Committee (Assigned a Rubric Score)* 45**
Awarded by the Office of Online Learning and Educational Technology 26***
U-Funded 25
Funded by Strong Workforce 0
Funded by Adult Education Program 1
Online Courses Developed in Summer 2021 (Faculty completing the IOTL or ATOL)*** TBA

*The DLAC revised its rubric for the Fall 2021 Cycle and each completed application was awarded a score. Two applications will be rescinded. 

**Total reviewed and recommended applications. Not included in this total are some submitted applications that were either incomplete (e.g., missing responses), needed to be retracted because the faculty member changed their mind before the DLAC review, or submitted multiple applications when only one application per faculty member per semester will be reviewed by DLAC. 

***One applicant declined to develop after beginning the training. Two applicants had previously received an award and were resuming training. One applicant awarded for the Spring 2021 Cycle delayed until the Summer 2021 Cycle.

An applicant who receives an award is sent a notification letter, an acknowledgment agreement including information about applicable re-assigned/in-load time, and Exhibit N from the AFT Contract. The applicant's department chair and dean are included in the award notice. 

An applicant who does not receive an award is sent a notification letter with an explanation including a recommendation to work with their department chair on future applications.

Please find the award information breakdown for Spring 2021 development cohorts. 
Description Total Number
Submitted Applications* 128
Applications Reviewed by the Distance Learning Advisory Committee 106
Applications Recommended by the Distance Learning Advisory Committee 104**
Awarded by the Office of Online Learning and Educational Technology** 48
U-Funded 19
Funded by Strong Workforce 8
Funded by Adult Education Program and WEWOA 9
Online Courses Developed in Spring 2021 (Faculty completing the IOTL or ATOL)*** 48
Temporary Distance Teaching and Learning Training and Refresher (Required)**** 31

*Total Submitted applications were either incomplete (e.g., missing responses), needed to be retracted because the faculty member changed their mind before the DLAC review, or submitted multiple applications when only one application per faculty member per semester will be reviewed by DLAC. 

**One application was withdrawn. Two awards were declined. Some awards do not require funding because the developer has already met the number of awards and/or the course has already been developed. Some applications are received but the applicant does not meet the criteria. Additionally, some faculty extend development beyond one semester; those faculty are included in the training and not represented in the numbers above.

***For a variety of reasons some faculty need additional time to develop an online course. These faculty are placed in the next available training cycle or work with OLET to determine when they would like to resume training.

****Due to the College's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, all instructional faculty with an assignment was required to successfully complete the 8-hour Temporary Distance Teaching and Learning Training. Instructional faculty who had completed the IOTL and/or the AOTL before Spring 2019 were required to complete a 3-hour refresher. 

Developing an online course represents a long-term investment by the College and is directly tied to department instructional budgets. With limited resources, award decisions are based on several priorities including department needs, the College mission, programmatic requirements, and the overall College budget. Additional consideration includes the number of faculty already trained to teach a particular course online, stand-alone courses not tied to a program, programs/courses not yet active, number of awards per degree/certificate, length of time to complete a program, courses in programs that are already attainable online, and labor market demand. The Spring 2021 Cycle was informed by the College's current budget situation and the impact on instructional budgets for 2021-22.

An applicant who receives an award is sent a notification letter, an acknowledgment agreement including information about applicable re-assigned/in-load time, and Exhibit N from the AFT Contract. The applicant's department chair and dean are included in the award notice. 

An applicant who does not receive an award is sent a notification letter with an explanation including a recommendation to work with their department chair on future applications.

Please find the award information breakdown for Fall 2020 development cohorts. 
Description Total Number 
Submitted Applications* 86
Applications Reviewed by the Distance Learning Advisory Committee 62
Applications Recommended by the Distance Learning Advisory Committee 57
Applications Awarded by the Office of Online Learning and Educational Technology 45**
U-Funded 22
Funded by Strong Workforce 0
Funded by Adult Education Program 10
Online Courses Developed in Fall 2020 (Faculty completing the IOTL or ATOL)*** 43
Temporary Distance Teaching and Learning Training and Refresher (Required)**** 65

*Total Submitted Applications were either incomplete (e.g., missing responses), needed to be retracted because the faculty member changed their mind before the DLAC review, or submitted multiple applications when only one application per faculty member per semester will be reviewed by DLAC. 

**Two awards were declined. Four awards were deferred to the Spring 2021 development Cycle. Some awards do not require funding because the developer has already met the number of awards and/or the course has already been developed. Some applications are received but the applicant does not meet the criteria. Additionally, some faculty extend development beyond one semester; those faculty are included in the training and not represented in the numbers above. 

***For a variety of reasons some faculty need additional time to develop an online course. These faculty are placed in the next available training cycle or work with OLET to determine when they would like to resume training.

****Due to the College's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, all instructional faculty with an assignment was required to successfully complete the 8-hour Temporary Distance Teaching and Learning Training. Instructional faculty who had completed the IOTL and/or the AOTL before Spring 2019 were required to complete a 3-hour refresher. 

An applicant who receives an award is sent a notification letter, an acknowledgment agreement including information about applicable re-assigned/in-load time, and Exhibit N from the AFT Contract. The applicant's department chair and dean are included in the award notice. 

An applicant who does not receive an award is sent a notification letter with an explanation including a recommendation to work with their department chair on future applications.

Please find the award information breakdown for Summer 2020 development cohorts. 
Description Number of Faculty
Temporary Distance Teaching and Learning Training  and Refresher (Required) 845

Due to the College's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Summer 2020 IOTL and AOTL were suspended. All instructional faculty with Fall 2020 assignments were required to successfully complete the 8-hour Temporary Distance Teaching and Learning Training. Instructional faculty who had completed the IOTL and/or the AOTL before Spring 2019 were required to complete a 3-hour refresher. 

In 2020-2021, 90 faculty developed courses for online delivery (Summer Cycle 2020 was canceled due to COVID-19).

In 2019-2020, 106 faculty developed courses for online delivery (including Summer Cycle 2019).

In 2018-19, 102 faculty developed courses for online delivery (including Summer Cycle 2018).

In 2017-18, 74 faculty developed courses for online delivery (including Summer Cycle 2017).

In 2016-17, 33 faculty developed courses for online delivery (Fall Cycle 2016 was not held due to the move to Canvas).